Interface Type

All Known Subinterfaces:
Command, ComplexType, PrimitiveType, State
All Known Implementing Classes:
DateTimeType, DecimalType, HSBType, IncreaseDecreaseType, NextPreviousType, OnOffType, OpenClosedType, PercentType, PlayPauseType, PointType, QuantityType, RawType, RefreshType, RewindFastforwardType, StopMoveType, StringListType, StringType, UnDefType, UpDownType

@NonNullByDefault public interface Type
This is a parent interface for all states and commands. It was introduced as many states can be commands at the same time and vice versa. E.g a light can have the state ON or OFF and one can also send ON and OFF as commands to the device. This duality is captured by this marker interface and allows implementing classes to be both state and command at the same time.
Kai Kreuzer - Initial contribution, Markus Rathgeb - Add the simple and full type string methods
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    format(String pattern)
    Formats the value of this type according to a pattern (see Formatter).
    Get a string representation that contains the whole internal representation of the type.
  • Method Details

    • format

      String format(String pattern)
      Formats the value of this type according to a pattern (see Formatter).
      pattern - the pattern to use
      the formatted string
    • toFullString

      String toFullString()
      Get a string representation that contains the whole internal representation of the type.

      The returned string could be consumed by the static 'valueOf(String)' method of the respective type to build a new type that is equal to this type.

      a full string representation of the type to be consumed by 'valueOf(String)'