Interface AddonFinder

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAddonFinder, IpAddonFinder, MDNSAddonFinder, ProcessAddonFinder, SddpAddonFinder, UpnpAddonFinder, UsbAddonFinder

@NonNullByDefault public interface AddonFinder
This is a AddonFinder interface for classes that find add-ons that are suggested to be installed.
Andrew Fiddian-Green - Initial contribution
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The framework calls this method to scan through the candidate list of AddonInfo and return a subset of those that it suggests to be installed.
    The framework calls this method to provide a list of AddonInfo elements which contain potential candidates that this finder can iterate over in order to detect which ones to return via the getSuggestedAddons() method.
    This method should be called from the framework to allow a finder to stop searching for add-ons and do cleanup.
  • Method Details

    • getSuggestedAddons

      Set<AddonInfo> getSuggestedAddons()
      The framework calls this method to scan through the candidate list of AddonInfo and return a subset of those that it suggests to be installed.
    • setAddonCandidates

      void setAddonCandidates(List<AddonInfo> candidates)
      The framework calls this method to provide a list of AddonInfo elements which contain potential candidates that this finder can iterate over in order to detect which ones to return via the getSuggestedAddons() method.
      candidates - a list of AddonInfo candidates.
    • unsetAddonCandidates

      void unsetAddonCandidates()
      This method should be called from the framework to allow a finder to stop searching for add-ons and do cleanup.