Class ConverterAttributeMapValidator


@NonNullByDefault public class ConverterAttributeMapValidator extends Object
The ConverterAttributeMapValidator class reads any attributes of a node, validates if they appear or not, and returns the validated key-value pair map.
Michael Grammling - Initial contribution
  • Constructor Details

    • ConverterAttributeMapValidator

      public ConverterAttributeMapValidator(String[] @Nullable [] validationMaskTemplate)
      Creates a new instance of this class with the specified parameter.

      The validation mask template is a two-dimensional key-required (String, [true|false]) list, defining all attributes the node could have and which are required and which not. The structure of the array is the following:

       String[] validationMaskTemplate = new String[][] {
               { "uri", "false" },
               { "attribute", "true" }};

      If the validation mask template is null the validation is skipped. If it's empty, no attributes are allowed for this node.

      validationMaskTemplate - the two-dimensional key-required list (could be null or empty)
    • ConverterAttributeMapValidator

      public ConverterAttributeMapValidator(@Nullable Map<String,Boolean> validationMaskTemplate)
      Creates a new instance of this class with the specified parameter.

      The validation mask template is a key-required (String, [true|false]) map, defining all attributes the node could have, and which are required and which not.

      If the validation mask template is null the validation is skipped. If it's empty, no attributes are allowed for this node.

      validationMaskTemplate - the key-required map (could be null or empty)
  • Method Details

    • readValidatedAttributes

      public Map<String,String> readValidatedAttributes( reader) throws com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException
      Reads, validates and returns all attributes of a node associated with the specified reader as key-value map.
      reader - the reader to be used to read-in all attributes of the node (must not be null)
      the key-value map (not null, could be empty)
      com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException - if the validation check fails
    • readValidatedAttributes

      public static Map<String,String> readValidatedAttributes( reader, @Nullable Map<String,Boolean> validationMaskTemplate) throws com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException
      Reads, validates and returns all attributes of a node associated with the specified reader as key-value map.

      The validation mask template is a key-required (String, [true|false]) map, defining all attributes the node could have, and which are required and which not.

      reader - the reader to be used to read-in all attributes of the node (must not be null)
      validationMaskTemplate - the key-required map (could be null or empty)
      the key-value map (not null, could be empty)
      com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException - if the validation check fails