Interface UsbSerialDiscovery

@NonNullByDefault public interface UsbSerialDiscovery
Interface for implementations for discovering serial ports provided by a USB device. An implementation of this interface is required by the UsbSerialDiscoveryService.
Henning Sudbrock - Initial contribution
  • Method Details

    • doSingleScan

      void doSingleScan()
      Executes a single scan for serial ports provided by USB devices; informs listeners about all discovered devices (including those discovered in a previous scan).
    • startBackgroundScanning

      void startBackgroundScanning()
      Starts scanning for serial ports provided by USB devices in the background; informs listeners about newly discovered devices. Should return fast.
    • stopBackgroundScanning

      void stopBackgroundScanning()
      Stops scanning for serial ports provided by USB devices in the background. Should return fast.
    • registerDiscoveryListener

      void registerDiscoveryListener(UsbSerialDiscoveryListener listener)
      Registers an UsbSerialDiscoveryListener that is then notified about discovered serial ports and USB, including those already found during previous scan. devices.
    • unregisterDiscoveryListener

      void unregisterDiscoveryListener(UsbSerialDiscoveryListener listener)